CNC Controllers


In the manufacturing industries, numerical control is a generally recognized and widely adopted concept. An operator can communicate with machine tools using a series of numbers and symbols using numerical control (NC).

The metalworking industry has undergone major changes as a result of NC, which was soon called Computer Numerical Control (CNC). New CNC machine tools have enabled the industry to reliably produce parts with accuracies that were previously impossible to achieve using conventional methods. If the CNC software is properly prepared and the machine is properly programmed, the same component can be repeated to the same degree of accuracy any number of times. The machine tool's operating commands are performed automatically with unprecedented speed, precision, performance, and repeatability.

Our CNC controller provides all the functionality required for the efficient and flexible operation of the CNC machine. Following are some salient features of our CNC controller:

  • G-Code Simulation
  • G-Code Optimization
  • Automatic Surface Leveling
  • Better Jerk Control.